Small Groups on Mission!

What does it look like to have MISSIONAL SMALL GROUPS?

4/29/21 By Larry Barker

What would it look like for you to begin small groups that are focused on reaching unbelievers?  What would it take to start home bible studies structured to not only disciple but to make new disciples?  Here’s what we do know.  Every believer is called to be a disciple, and every disciple is called to be a disciple maker.  The normal small group is great for fellowship, biblical community, and accountability but how well are you reaching out to people who are far from God?  It is possible to provide safe environments in our homes, work places, coffee shops, and third space areas where people can ask questions and you can provide biblical answers.

Overall, true biblical discipling community has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried.  The good news is that when it has been tried it almost always turns into a time of revival for the church.  Are you a disciple that is interested in growing personally but not interested in being committed to God’s mission?  When you ask a disciple to describe spiritual maturity, they very rarely mention reproducing more disciples.  Jesus commanded us to be fishers of men and that means you are to not only love people more but you are to love more people.  We are all called to be spiritual parents, making more disciples.

Here is something worthy of consideration.  When small groups make mission a priority, amazing things start to happen.  When you introduce someone to God’s grace and they respond by receiving Him as their Lord and Savior, celebration takes place and the journey begins.  Every believer is called to be a disciple, and every disciple is called to be a disciple maker.  Then the one you introduced to Christ begins to share his or her story and they introduce even more unbelievers to Christ.  The movement has begun because of someone’s commitment to obey Great Commission and practice the Great Commandment.  You hear God’s call and you answer.

The Timothy Initiative teaches that there are four types of calls that encourage us to share the good news of the gospel.  There is the call from heaven through the commandment of the Lord Jesus in Mark 16:15, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation.”         There is the call from hell through a rich man’s plea to share the Gospel with his family.  Luke 16:27-28 says, “…I beg you therefore, father, that you would send him to my father’s house, for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, lest they also come to this place of torment.”  Salvation has been provided for all men and we need to present the gospel to all.

There is also the call from inside because Paul said he was under compulsion to spread the Gospel.  He was motivated by the love for God for him and for those who still had not believed.  Paul makes it clear in I Corinthians 9:16 that inside of him there was a necessity to preach the gospel.  There is also a call from outside which Paul heard from Macedonia where they cried in Acts 16:9, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” His passion for reaching the lost compelled him to go wherever the Spirit of God led him and he then shared his story of what Christ has done for him.  Will you also answer this call?       

In Acts 22 there is an excellent template for all of us to follow in how we share the gospel with unbelievers.  Paul shared what it is was like before he knew Christ, he shared what it was like when he met Christ, and then he describes his life after meeting Christ.  Are you ready and prepared to share your testimony of your life before you met Christ, how you met Christ, and now living for Christ?  The ultimate message should always be how knowing Christ has changed your life.  Have you ever written down your personal testimony and practicing delivering it?  Removing the fear by knowing what you will say and how you will say it. 

Maybe you do not need more small groups but everyone needs more missional small groups.  Here is how this transformation has been described. “A small group becomes missional as it develops a heart and mindset that is aware and deliberate about sharing the Good News through word and deed with those who have yet to know Christ as their Savior and Lord.”  You must be dedicated and committed to this definition and you will need leaders who will lead by example.  If the leader is not actively and regularly sharing their faith then it is very unlikely that anyone else will either.  The leader must lead the group to remain focused on unbelievers.

You must let people know at the beginning of your missional groups that you will be committed to finding ways for everyone to share their faith.  This element is non-negotiable and you will train them to be efficient in listening to other’s stories, sharing their own story and then sharing His story.  It really is not complicated!  According to Matthew 4:19 you are called to follow Jesus, and fish for men.  People are either lost or saved.  If someone is lost, witness to them.  If someone is saved, offer to train them to make disciples.  This is why your church exists and you are called to help people to find and follow Jesus.  Tell someone about Jesus!