Removing Toxic People

Removing Toxic People

5/22/23 by Larry Barker Mobilizing the church requires removing barriers in the way of advancement. This will require, with great care, confronting and even removing toxic people. Dealing with difficult people automatically comes with church leadership and should not...
Removing Barriers & Obstructions

Removing Barriers & Obstructions

5/13/23 by Larry Barker Mobilizing believers and mobilizing your church sounds simple, but it is not easy. There are always obstacles in the way that separates us from the task and even sin that creates a barrier in our relationship with the Lord. Psalm 66:18 says,...
Building Leaders Around You

Building Leaders Around You

4/21/23 by Larry Barker In The Mythical Leader: The Seven Myths of Leadership Ron Edmonson states, “The longer I am in leadership, the more I realize I may not always know the real health of my team or organization at any given time – at least as much as others do.”...
Building Accountability

Building Accountability

4/17/23 by Larry Barker Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 stresses the importance of strength in numbers. “Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts. For if either falls, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another...
Building Biblical Character

Building Biblical Character

4/10/23 by Larry Barker Discipleship is more about imitation than information. Mobilizing any group of people for action requires getting feet (boots) on the ground. Mobilizing your church requires getting the feet of your congregation into your community. When your...
ReCharged in Prayer

ReCharged in Prayer

3/27/23 by Larry Barker The ReCharge Conference is over and behind us for this year but the impact and the inspiration from this time together will continue. It was a wonderful time when our souls (spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual, and relational) were...