Prayer with No Intermission

Prayer with No Intermission

8/6/23 by Larry Barker Our good friend Bill Elliff, in The Presence Centered Church, quotes his mentor Manley Beasley as saying, “The mark of a godly man and the mark of a godly church is that everything they do is God-initiated.” Bill states, “Everything flows from...
Start with The Why

Start with The Why

7/31/23 by Larry Barker 2023 is here and another year of opportunity is before us. A new year brings evaluation of what we need to change, what we need to do differently, and what we can do better. We seem to be enamored with the “how” of ministry far more than the...
P5 Multiplication

P5 Multiplication

7/14/2023 by Larry Barker Healthy churches reproduce. The healthiest and most biblical method of church planting is churches planting churches. In The American Church in Crisis, David Olson states that over 600,000 churches will need to be planted by the year 2050...
Discipleship Requires Discipline

Discipleship Requires Discipline

7/7/23 by Larry Barker Warren Wiersbe described discipleship as “a daily discipline; we follow Jesus a step at a time, a day at a time.” Paul’s command in I Timothy 4:7 is to train ourselves as disciplined disciples who follow Christ, pursue holiness, and train for...
Train Others Also

Train Others Also

6/26/23 by Larry Barker Paul emphasizes training and spiritual disciplines in I Timothy 4:7. “Train yourself in godliness.” Then in verse 11 he gives us the principle of discipling others in spiritual disciplines by exhorting (commanding) us to teach them and...
Train Yourself

Train Yourself

6/19/23 by Larry Barker In I Timothy 4:7 Paul says to Timothy, “Train yourself.” Timothy was his disciple that he poured his life, wisdom, and experience into on a regular basis. As his disciple, Timothy was to watch and learn so that he could one day train others as...