The Right Person in the Right Place

The Right Person in the Right Place

9/25/23 by Larry Barker Is God telling you it is time to move to another ministry? Do you have the peace of God in your decision to move on or is there great inner turmoil? Make sure you are abiding in Him and His word is abiding in you. When you are in His will you...
Pastor Tenure

Pastor Tenure

9/11/23 by Larry Barker How long should a pastor stay at a church? While the answer to that question can be quite subjective there are a lot of prayerful considerations that must go into such a crucial decision. Statistics suggest that the average length of tenure is...
The Comparison Trap

The Comparison Trap

9/4/23 by Larry Barker There are many obstacles, challenges, and traps that a church leader can easily fall into. Hal Seed teaches on several of these in his Pastor Mentor materials such as: The “Maintenance-Only” Trap (2 Tim. 4:5) Letting the needs of the church stop...
Life Transformation Groups

Life Transformation Groups

8/28/23 by Larry Barker There are three (3) areas that need our continual focus for our individual lives and for our churches to be spiritually healthy. They are an upward or God-focus (Col. 2:9), an inward or personal-growth focus (I Pet. 2:2), and an outward or...
Habits Determine Who You Are

Habits Determine Who You Are

8/21/23 by Larry Barker Recently I was listening to a podcast, Making Disciples, with Robby Gallaty. It was the March 27, 2022 episode Keeping the Fire Burning.  He stated, “The habits we do on a daily basis create the person you are.” II Corinthians 4:16 says,...
Prayer with No Intermission

Prayer with No Intermission

8/6/23 by Larry Barker Our good friend Bill Elliff, in The Presence Centered Church, quotes his mentor Manley Beasley as saying, “The mark of a godly man and the mark of a godly church is that everything they do is God-initiated.” Bill states, “Everything flows from...