by Matt Barker | May 13, 2024 | Uncategorized
5/12/24 by Larry Barker Ministry involves building relationships and continually reflecting on how spiritual health and maturity are progressing. Evaluation and examination of your walk with Christ and the church should occur regularly. Some seasons and rhythms will...
by Matt Barker | May 6, 2024 | Uncategorized
5/6/24 by Larry Barker How do we get healthy as leaders, teams, and churches? What steps are necessary for beginning the journey and where do you begin? Do not take another step without prayer; always begin there. Make sure that everything you are thinking, feeling,...
by Matt Barker | Apr 29, 2024 | Uncategorized
4/28/24 by Larry Barker Romans 1:15 says Paul was “eager” to preach the gospel to those who were in Rome. Paul was excited to be able to take the gospel to Rome and saw it as an opportunity to represent Christ well there. He looked forward to sharing the gospel with...
by Matt Barker | Apr 23, 2024 | Uncategorized
4/23/24 by Larry Barker In the book, Gospel, by J.D. Greear he states, “Gospel change is the Spirit of God using the story of God to make the beauty of God come alive in our hearts.” The beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that it declares us righteous. It is not...
by Matt Barker | Apr 2, 2024 | Uncategorized
4/1/24 by Larry Barker The month of June has brought an overabundant use of the word pride. Many are “proud” of what they have decided is truth and what they have determined is right and wrong. They take “pride” in their very “me” centric declaration. What is God’s...
by Matt Barker | Mar 26, 2024 | Uncategorized
3/25/24 by Larry Barker “If it were easy everyone would be doing it.” The interesting dynamic for pastors is that it is not a vocation but God’s calling on your life. There are Biblical rules and standards by which spiritual leadership is to be accomplished. It starts...
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