Right now, we are living in some of the most tumultuous times with a virus that has virtually brought life to a screeching halt and racial tension polarizing so many.  The temptation is to pull back and seek safety from all the controversy and...
Vision 2020

Vision 2020

Normal vision is described as 20/20 and means that you can see what an average individual can see on an eye chart when they are standing 20 feet away. It literally is seeing things out in front and ahead of you. You go to an eye doctor to determine how good or bad...
The Right Ingredients

The Right Ingredients

Thanksgiving is upon us again and most of us are looking forward to the big meal with all the trimmings. Have you ever looked at a particular food and just couldn’t wait to taste it, until you did? It did not taste at all like you expected. Maybe it was because of...
Evangelism Still Matters

Evangelism Still Matters

Paul states clearly in 2 Corinthians 5:14 that Christ’s love compelled him to obey the Lord. The word describes a pressure that produces action. It is not enough to say you love what Jesus loves. You must take the next step and prove it by how you live your life. In...
2-minute Challenge

2-minute Challenge

In football there is what is known as the 2-minute warning. At the end of each half both teams receive a warning that there is only 2 minutes before the game is over. Some say this is when the game really begins and quite often the team who has possession of the ball...
Are You Running on Empty?

Are You Running on Empty?

In my sophomore year at Central Baptist College in Conway, AR I was leading the singing in revival services about 100 miles to the south of our campus. Money was very tight and as I was driving down for the services one evening my gas gauge began to stare back at me...