Family Care

Family Care

12/11/21 by Larry Barker We have been discussing soul care and are now focusing on family care, team care, member care, and health care.  In the area of family care, you must first take care of your marriage.  No one can be the husband to your wife that God has called...
Love Your Wife

Love Your Wife

12/5/21 by Larry Barker The importance of soul care cannot be overstated or stressed enough.  If you do not take care of yourself, you will not be able to minister to others.  You cannot give what you do not possess and who you are is far more important than what you...
Stillness and Silence

Stillness and Silence

11/27/21 by Larry Barker There are certain parts of scripture that are especially challenging to all of us.  One example is Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.”  Another would...
Embracing God’s Gift of Limits

Embracing God’s Gift of Limits

11/13/21 by Larry Barker Are you a doer and a fixer by nature?  While planting a church in the early nineties I turned to my wife and said, “When did I become a workaholic?”  I expected her to console me, as she so often did, and assure me that I was a hard worker but...
Reality Check: Thinking Correctly

Reality Check: Thinking Correctly

11/6/21 by Larry Barker How is your attitude?  Would you describe yourself right now as full of hope and excitement or are you full of despair and discouragement?  Maybe you are allowing all of your activity to rob you of your ability to worship?  Think...
Relax in Jesus

Relax in Jesus

10/23/21 by Larry Barker There is so much to do in the ministry.  The list can be staggering and quite overwhelming.  Yet, in John 6:28 Jesus was asked, “What can we do to perform the works of God?”  In verse 29 Jesus answered, “This is the work of God...